Juno Snapshots

We create 2 types of snapshots

  • Pruned – pruned snapshots are smaller and faster to download. They’re intended to quickly get your Juno node up and running within a few hours. Pruned snapshots are created daily.
  • Full – full snapshots include the entire chain from genesis. They can be used to query historical data like past delegators at a certain block height or for other analytics. They contain the entire chain and thus are larger and longer to download. Full snapshots are created once a month
TypeProtocol VersionSizeSnapshot TimestampDownload URL
Pruned 100/0/10junod v9.0.022 Gb2024-10-18juno-pruned.tar.lz4
Full archivejunod v9.0.0200 GbWork in progress…juno-full.tar.lz4

The download URL is a permalink. The link will remain the same even though the daily file will be updated. The permalink allows you to incorporate it into your node creation automation script.

To use our snapshot, you’ll need to match your node settings to our snapshot setting initially in order to start syncing. Once your node is synced to latest block height, you can then change your pruning setting to other settings you desire.

Using Pruned snapshot

To use our pruned node snapshot, change the following settings

app.toml – file located in your .juno/config folder

pruning = “custom”
pruning-keep-recent = “100”
pruning-keep-every = “0”
pruning-interval = “10”

config.toml – file located in your .juno/config folder

indexer = “null”

Note that the default indexer setting is “kv”.

Using Full snapshot

To use our full node snapshot, change the following settings. Note that if you only need to run a validator node and don’t need to query data for development purposes, you can use the Pruned snapshot above to save space and get up running faster.


pruning = “nothing”

If you have other custom pruning specified previously such as pruning-keep-recent and pruning-keep-every, it won’t matter here since we’re pruning nothing. As a clean code practice, however, it’s best to set those custom settings back to 0.

config.toml – verify that the indexer is the default “kv” setting. This contains an index of the data to enable data querying

indexer = “kv”

*This is the default indexer setting. If you have not changed the indexer setting before, you can leave it by the default “kv” setting.

How to use snapshot

1. Download the appropriate snapshot, either pruned or full. The links to the snapshots are permanent links.

Pruned snapshot (pruned 100/0/10)

wget https://eu2.contabostorage.com/37b215ac8ad5417c8ed656231f80e9bb:snapshot/juno/junod-pruned.tar.lz4

Full snapshot

wget https://snapshot.stakepile.com/juno/junod-full.tar.lz4

2. Stop your node and reset data folder

If you’re running junod binary directly using junod.service systemd file, stop the junod service directly

sudo systemctl stop junod

If you’re running junod via cosmovisor binary using cosmovisor.service systemd file, stop the cosmovisor service

sudo system stop cosmovisor

Reset your node’s data

junod unsafe-reset-all

3. Unpack snapshot

Unpack the tar file into your data folder. If you follow the default setup, your data folder is located either in your home/<user>/.juno/data folder or /root/.juno and can be accessed via ~/.juno. Depending on if you’re using the pruned or full snapshot, copy the command to unpack the appropriate snapshot below.

Pruned snapshot

lz4 -c -d juno-pruned.tar.lz4 | tar -x -C ~/.juno

Full snapshot

lz4 -c -d juno-full.tar.lz4 | tar -x -C ~/.juno

4. Verify permission – optional step

Once you’ve unpacked the snapshot, verify and update the ownership of the data folder to the user you’re using as needed.

5. Restart your node node and sync to latest block