The following tool downloads are for Comdex Mainnet.
- Address book download – addrbook.json (updated weekly)
- Chain database snapshot – snapshot.tar.lz4 (updated daily)
- Chain upgrade script / instructions (updated near upgrade time)
- Genesis file download – genesis.json
Address Book
If your node is having problem connecting to peers, try using this address book.
How to use address book
To use the address book. First stop your node, then download the addrbook.json file and copy to your node config folder. Detailed steps below.
sudo systemctl stop comdex
wget -O addrbook.json
cp addrbook.json $HOME/.comdex/config/addrbook.json
sudo systemctl start comdex
Type | Protocol Version | Size | Snapshot Frequency | Download URL |
Pruned 100/0/19 | comdex v9.1.0 | 12 Gb | daily | snapshot.tar.lz4 |
These snapshots currently are created every 24 hours or immediately as needed.
The download URL is a permalink. The link will remain the same even though the file will be updated. The permalink allows you to incorporate it into your node creation automation script.
To use our snapshot, you’ll need to match your node settings to our snapshot setting initially in order to start syncing. Once your node is synced to latest block height, you can then change your pruning setting to other settings you desire.
Pruning settings
To use our snapshot, change the following settings
app.toml – file located in your .comdex/config folder
pruning = “custom”
pruning-keep-recent = “100”
pruning-keep-every = “0”
pruning-interval = “19”
config.toml – file located in your .comdex/config folder
indexer = “null”
Note that the default indexer setting is “kv”.
How to use snapshot
To use our snapshot, follow the detailed steps below.
- Download the snapshot file
- Stop your service (or cosmovisor if you’re running cosmovisor)
- Reset your data folder. Be sure to backup your priv_validator_key.json and node_key.json files
- Extract snapshot file
- Optional step – Update file ownership as needed if it’s changed during file extraction
- Restart your service (or cosmovisor if you’re running cosmovisor)
See actual commands below.
wget -O snapshot.tar.lz4
sudo systemctl stop comdex
comdex tendermint unsafe-reset-all –keep-addr-book
lz4 -c -d snapshot.tar.lz4 | tar -x -C ~/.comdex
chown -R YOUR_USER:YOUR_GROUP ~/.comdex/data
sudo systemctl start comdex
Chain Upgrade
For normal upgrades that can be handled via cosmovisor, we automate using script. For more complex custom upgrades, we create upgrade instructions.
Genesis File
This is a mirror of the team’s genesis file on the project’s github page. Be sure to check the file shasum hash.